Why Do We Need Morality in Finance if We Have Laws?


Carolina Rocha


Abstract: The global financial system is currently so deeply embedded in every economic activity that its stability and health have become critical factors in determining world economic output. A substantial increase in regulation attempts to create a more solid and reliable system. However, this article proposes that more regulation cannot, and will not, be sufficient. Morality in finance also is necessary. Particularly, it suggests that given the characteristics of the financial world: (a) legislation by itself is not enough to guarantee, neither in theory nor in practice, a solid and reliable financial system, and (b) legislation and morality is a good pairing.


“What is needed is a culture that induces bankers to do the right thing even if nobody is watching.”

                                                Christine Lagarde,

Managing Director of International Monetary Fund

Finance and Society conference, May 6 2015


Morality in Finance

According to estimations by McKinsey Global Institute, Haver Analytics, Bank of International Settlements and Deutsche Bank, as of 2014 global financial assets total almost $300 trillion[1]. The amount is staggering, which explains why distortions in the financial service industry often cause massive monetary loses. Still, the harm the financial system is capable of imparting to the real economy is not exclusively due to its magnitude, but also to its breadth and its ubiquity.

For the last few decades, globalization of national economies and liberalization of domestic capital markets have created an ideal environment for the advancement of the financial industry. Lower international barriers along with groundbreaking advances in information and computer technology have encouraged financial services providers to ignore frontiers and flourish…



* Carolina Rocha is an economist and has an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is a business consultant for her family’s business and an economic researcher trying to make a positive impact on the world. She has published several articles and papers and won various international awards.





[1] Global stock market cap has doubled since QE’s start by Wallace Witkowski, MarketWatch, February 2015.